Image Credit: Arterm Maltsev on Unsplash.com

Pillow soaking; Heart burning
Skin piercing; Knuckles bleeding
Shuddering and sputtering
Churns of insufferable fiery tears
The day which declares an end to this cycle will come
For now, the mind feels too hollow to think beyond the present

The day which declared the start of this cycle still reads a sore memory
Before then, home still had its warmth, home still felt like cheat day
The day the lights went out and a cold gust of angry, bitter air found its way in, we could taste it

Image Credit: Steve Harvey on Unsplash.com

The dead don't know what it means to die, to leave? The living do
The living deal with the death of the dead; the living know what it means to die with a loved one gone
The dead don't know what it means to die
For them, a new chapter perhaps, begins
They soar with their light and everything they represented
Transcending into realms of psychedelic nuances

We still think back to the day the lights out
The day "home" lost its meaning
At night, we find our way back to the place our bodies find rest, as home is no longer the place we can stay in, staying safe
We still think back to the day home became a cold, dark, empty house


  1. The living deal with the death of the dead, so true. Losing a loved one would break you in so many unexplainable ways, but then again we have to live and love for the those that are still here with us. This life is tough, but we become tougher too as things unfold. Sometimes it's not easy, the void that comes with missing a lost loved one. But we have to pick up ourselves and keep up with our journey because someday, we too would become the dead someone else has to deal with losing😌😌😌. The cycle continues.

  2. This is a beautiful piece


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